
We are delighted that Red House School has been officially rated ‘Excellent’, the highest rating, in both categories following its inspection by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI).

The glowing report commended Red House on being fully compliant with respect to all regulatory standards and educational quality, which includes the achievements of pupils and academic development and personal development. The report acknowledged the exceptional standards of teaching and learning.

The key findings stated were:

“The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent.”

  • “The pupils make exceptional progress, with all subjects adding value at GCSE, including for pupils with SEND.”
  • “The pupils achieve notable success in sports with many individuals and teams achieving county and national honours.”
  • “The pupils demonstrate excellent communication skills from the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) onwards.”
  • “Pupils demonstrate their numeracy most effectively in mathematics and in many other subject areas.”
  • “The quality of the pupils’ personal development is excellent.”

“The social collaboration of pupils in and beyond the curriculum is extremely well-developed.”

  • “Pupils have a mature sense of responsibility for their own actions.”
  • “Pupils demonstrate considerable self-understanding aided by the recently developed mindfulness programme.”
  • “Pupils readily show respect and support for those with different backgrounds and characteristics.”

Dr Rebecca Ashcroft, Head of Red House, said:

“The Lead Inspector, Dr Christopher Ray, former High Master of The Manchester Grammar School, has inspected a significant number of schools and has a clear view on what is ‘Excellent’. I am delighted that he saw excellence at Red House School.”

Our holistic approach was also highly praised:

“The leadership and governance of the school maintains a strong focus upon holistic education, aiming to develop the whole child.”

“The care and respect pupils have for each other is strongly evident in the life of the school, within and across year groups. Pupils say that the school feels like an extended family which binds them together in friendship.”

“Pupils of all ages, abilities and needs are highly self-confident and self-assured without a trace of arrogance”.

Red House School was also highly praised for its unique mindfulness programme. Dr Ashcroft added:

“We believe learning how to be emotionally aware and resilient are important building blocks to help pupils throughout their educational journey and life beyond Red House. This is just one example of the unique family environment we pride ourselves on.”

The full inspection report can be viewed here:
Red House School Compliance & Educational Quality Inspection Reports – May 2019

Previous inspection reports can be viewed here:
Compliance Inspection 2016
Integrated Inspection 2011

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Entry for Year 7 in 2024/2025

Registrations are being taken for children in Year 6 wishing to join Year 7 in 2024 and also for children in Year 5 wishing to join Year 7 in 2025.

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Open Morning: Saturday 30 September

Our Open Morning is a great way to discover what's so special about Red House and all we have to offer. You will be able to tour our fantastic facilities and meet our dedicated teachers.

+ Senior School arrival time 9am
+ Nursery & Junior School arrival time 9.30am

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