
Our pupils’ wellbeing is paramount.

Red House has a well-deserved and long-standing reputation as a caring school.

Our delivery of high impact pastoral care has been recognised by Red House attaining the School’s Mental Health Award from The Carnegie Centre of Excellence. We are proud to be the only independent school in the North East to have won this award, which demonstrates our passion for wellbeing and positive mental health. We work strategically to improve the wellness of our pupils, and this award has highlighted many areas of success, as well as helping us to plan for emotional health and wellbeing provision.

Our ‘Zen Den’ room offers pupils the opportunity for reflection, and mindfulness is embedded in our curriculum to help children develop coping skills and strategies.  Children are encouraged to be mindful throughout their day, using breathing techniques and meditation. ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’ allows pupils to focus on wellbeing activities.

Our outdoor classroom offers pupils the opportunity to learn new outdoor skills and also allows them to see education and learning as a multi-sensory experience.

Charlie, our Wellness Dog

Charlie, a black Labrador, is our official wellness dog. He is a much-loved member of the Red House family.

Charlie regularly attends the Junior School and Senior School and participates in a wide variety of activities.

All parents are asked for their consent for their child to be allowed access to him.

School dogs have been proven to help reduce anxiety, develop pupils’ academic confidence, increase their understanding of responsibility, develop empathy and nurturing skills, and provide companionship and a friendly welcome to school.

“The care and respect pupils have for each other is strongly evident in the life of the school, within and across year groups. Pupils say that the school feels like an extended family which binds them together in friendship.”
Independent Schools Inspectorate

Safeguarding Leads

Miss Claire Thompson

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Victoria Smith

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Junior School)

Mrs Leanne Boyd-Smith

Governor (Safeguarding)

Dr Fiona Hunt

Governor (Deputy Safeguarding & Wellness)

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Entry for Year 7 in 2024/2025

Registrations are being taken for children in Year 6 wishing to join Year 7 in 2024 and also for children in Year 5 wishing to join Year 7 in 2025.

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Open Morning: Saturday 30 September

Our Open Morning is a great way to discover what's so special about Red House and all we have to offer. You will be able to tour our fantastic facilities and meet our dedicated teachers.

+ Senior School arrival time 9am
+ Nursery & Junior School arrival time 9.30am

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